Melopero MKR-Qwiic Adapter

Melopero MKR-Qwiic Adapter


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Availability: 24 in stock SKU: MEL2005 Categories: , , Tags: , Brand:
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As you've probably noticed, almost all Arduino MKR boards come with a 5-pin JST connector (GND, SDA, SCL, Digital7, 5V):

For this reason we have designed a board that can be connected to this port of the MKR and converts the 5V to 3.3V ready to power a cascade of Qwiic sensors. We also include a 5pin-4pin adapter cable!

Check out schematics for more technical specs.


EN: Input pin. This pin is pulled-high, drive it low to disable the on-board voltage regulator (this action will shutdown the sensors connected to the output of the adapter)
5V: Input power pin. This pin is connected to the 5V from the MKR-port  it's the input of the onboard voltage regulator

SCL: I2C Serial CLock line, 3.3V logic
SDA: I2C Serial DAta line, 3.3V logic.
GND: Ground pin.

25.4 × 17.78  x 4.45 mm(max height)

The product was designed for prototyping. Any responsibility of the manufacturer in case of different use is excluded.





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Melopero Electronics

