Half-Size Breadboard with Mounting Holes

Half-Size Breadboard with Mounting Holes


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This cute 3.2″ × 2.1″ (82 × 53mm) solderless half-size breadboard has four bus lines and 30 rows of pins, our favorite size of solderless breadboard for projects. You get a whoppin’ 400 tie pointsPlug in a Feather or Metro Mini with the rest for sensors or buttons or even a little display.

You can pull the power rails off easily to make the breadboard as thin as 1.4″ (3.5cm). You can also cut these in half with a saw to create 2 tiny breadboards, or “snap” these breadboards together either way to make longer and/or wider breadboards.

The board also has an adhesive backing and 8 mounting holes for M2 or #2 screws on a 1 cm pitch. This makes it super easy to mount the breadboard to a chassis for your next robot friend! (Just be sure to grab some M2 standoffs and/or screws) Note that you’ll need an awl/screwdriver/tweezers to pop a hole thru the thin foam backing.

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  • 3.2″ × 2.1″ (82 × 53mm)
  • Weight: 36g