Melopero SAM-M8Q Multi-GNSS Breakout (Qwiic)

Melopero SAM-M8Q Multi-GNSS Breakout (Qwiic)


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The U-blox SAM-M8Q GNSS antenna module is a concurrent 72-channel GNSS receiver which can receive and track multiple GNSS systems: GPS, Galileo and GLONASS. It also provides outstanding positioning accuracy (up to 2.5m) in scenarios where urban canyon or weak signals are involved. 

The board is equipped with two Qwiic compatible connectors (JST SM04B-SRSS-TB), this makes it compatible and daisy-chainable with the SparkFun’s sensors and with the Adafruit Stemma QT sensors (for 3.3V use only).

Optionally, you can solder a CR1220 battery holder (included), this way when the main power source fails, and a battery is connected, the RTC still runs providing a timing reference for the receiver. This operating mode is called Hardware Backup Mode, which enables all relevant data to be saved in the backup RAM and reduce the time-to-first.fix from a cold start (~30s) to a hot start (~1s).

Alternatively, you can provide a backup voltage to the RTC using the VBA pin. Powering this pin with a voltage in the range 3.3V-6V, will automatically exclude the coin cell battery while still allowing a hot start.

This breakout board is compatible only with 3.3V, both power and logic. DO NOT connect it directly to 5V boards.

We developed two libraries, in Python 3 for the Raspberry Pi and in C++ for the Arduino IDE (available for download directly on the Arduino IDE Library Manager or manually on our GitHub page).
Check out schematics and datasheet for more technical specs.

On GitHub you’ll find quick instructions to connect the sensor and test the software, for both Raspberry Pi and Arduino.


3V3: Input power pin. You must supply 3.3V to this pin to power the sensor
GND: Ground pin
SDA: I2C Serial DAta pin, compatible only with 3.3V logic
SCL: I2C Serial CLock pin, compatible only with 3.3V logic
INT: External Interrupt pin (INPUT)
SAF: SAFEBOOT_N pin, for future service, updates and reconfiguration
RST: RESET pin, INPUT, Active Low
PPS: Pulse Per Second pin, OUTPUT, connected to the Blue LED
VBA: V_BACKUP pin, INPUT. This pin accepts a voltage in the 3.3V-6V range. By applying a voltage to this pin, you will automatically disable the coin cell battery and avoid the installation of the optional CR1220 battery holder, while still allowing a warm start of the GNSS module.

FTDI Header:

At the top of the board, you'll find a FDTI breakout, for connecting a FTDI cable with 3.3V data and power line (NOT 5V!)


50mm × 50mm  x 7,85mm(max height)

Optional CR1220 battery holder and 2 headers (not assembled) are included, qwiic cables are not included.

This product was conceived for prototyping. Any liability of the manufacturer in the event of a different use is excluded.

Additional information


Melopero Electronics

