Melopero VL53L1X Time-Of-Flight Sensor Breakout (Qwiic)

Melopero VL53L1X Time-Of-Flight Sensor Breakout (Qwiic)


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The VL53L1X is a state-of-the-art, Time-of-Flight (ToF), laser-ranging sensor. It is the fastest miniature ToF sensor on the market with accurate ranging from 40mm to 4 m, fast ranging frequency up to 50 Hz and a FOV of 15-27 degrees.
This breakout board includes a 2.8V regulator and level shifting circuitry, this makes it compatible with both 3.3V and 5V power and logic.

The board is also equipped with two Qwiic compatible connectors (JST SM04B-SRSS-TB), this makes it compatible and daisy-chainable with the SparkFun's sensors and with the Adafruit Stemma QT sensors (for 3.3V use only).

The sensor communicates over I2C bus with address 0x29.
We wrote a Python 3 library and some examples to quickly start with a Raspberry Pi and in C++ for Arduino, available for download directly on the Arduino IDE Library Manager or manually on our GitHub page.

WARNING: Our Arduino library is based on the STMicroelectronics API for the vl53l1x sensor which uses a meaningful amount of memory available on the arduino boards. It is recommended to use this library on boards that have more memory such as the Arduino MKR. It won't compile/work on the Arduino UNO due to the high amount of memory needed.

Check out schematics and datasheet for more technical specs.
Remove the protective sticker on the sensor before use.

VIN: Input power pin. This pin is connected to the onboard 2.8V regulator, you can apply both 3.3V and 5V.
GND: Ground pin.
SDA: I2C Serial DAta line, compatible with both 3.3V and 5V logic.
SCL: I2C Serial CLock line, compatible with both 3.3V and 5V logic.
XSH: Shutdown input pin, active low, this pin is pulled high, compatible with both 3.3V and 5V logic.
GP1:Interrupt output pin, active low, this pin is pulled high.

25.4 × 17.78  x 4.45 mm(max height)

The product was designed for prototyping. Any responsibility of the manufacturer in case of different use is excluded.

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Melopero Electronics

